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ShortStory about ‘Writers Workspaces that Inspire’

It wasn’t at all tidy in his office, it had come to a point that the workspace didn’t really seem workable and would affect productivity considerably. This was the point to ask his Assitant to hire an expert to deal with this problem. It soon became clear that his office needed a “make over”, it needed to become a Fun Place to Be and Inspirational, with enough storage place for books and magazines to consult reguarly.

An 'Office/library' that did sound like a good idea.

Eventually they came up with a special concept of the “Out-door-Home-Office”. With three desks, and a possibility to open the window in front of the desk in the middle to give it it’s “Out-door” apperance and the possibility to sit in the sun while writing.

To be able to feel the warmth of the sun on his face and feel the cool breeze of the wind while writing must have a positive influence on inspiration. With a cordless keyboard and Mouse he can easily find a nice spot in the sun and still be able to look at the screen once in a while. Yes now an interesting workspace was beginning to take shape. Like Marshall McLuhan said: “We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us”. The door to success.

It is obvious that with this 'Brilliant-Bestseller-Writers-Workspace' he had one of the typical tools of a Bestseller Writer in his hands. It goes without saying that a fishtank with tropical fish is also included in his writer’s domain. It can remind him of the fun times when he writes working onboard of his “Sea Office”, the office on his yacht. Reminding him of his “Floating on Royalties” methaphor.

Talking about suitable workspaces he got an E-mail from his accountant who had
some nice pictures of vihicles that provide a businesslike envirorment to work in. With space for a computer and a mini-bar and that can offer enough space and comfort to work while he travels. On board of a jet he would have enhough space to work and travel at the same time. But when he is on the road some more working space would be appropriate. Although with modern mobile electronics it is a lot easier to transform almost every space into a suitable workspace.

You can hardly imagine that a writer would be able to afford such a luxurious lifestyle just by writing. But that is exactly the secret of his writing success, the lifestyle, how to act and a specific way of living. It is all part of his incredible success, to have a Happy, Healthy and Rich Lifestyle.

You can find a ‘FREE Preview’ of this little ebook at the webstore by clicking on the link here below:


The Healthy Lifestyle Inspired by a Personal Trainer to Kick-start his day by running (for example on a great Sunny beach) to start his day in a peak condition and gets him in a perfect state to create.

You can Experience Such a "Jogging on the Beach Experience" for yourself right NOW if you like by going to:


Just like the author of Harry Potter has done, by making a lot of notes about a specific – in her
case - ‘Fantasie World’. With a lot of this kind of “Backstory” to be able to create multiple amazing stories.

He too has a lot of notes about 'a specific World' that he can use, but this isn't all Fantasy a lot of it is Real! It is the 'Bestseller Writers World'. He too can continue to create a lot of stories, in fact he just finished one about

'Writers Workspaces that Inspire'.

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Anonymous said...

Reduce your plan to writing.

The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.

(Napoleon Hill)

Anonymous said...

The act of writing is the act of discovering what you believe.

(David Hare)

Anonymous said...

To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the inner music that words make.

(Truman Capote)

Anonymous said...

I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it.

(William Faulkner)

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